
Rear Area Camps at Vimy Ridge

The map below is where the Canadian Army had their camps during the time they were in the Vimy Sector. The Blue Box and numbers link to the table below. Click the map to see the number. (FL – Feb 6/22)

What you see below is just one of the benefits of joining COBWFA. The numbers below are the GPS coordinates of the camps mentioned in numerous war diaries.

More is coming soon on where they went when they marched east in the first week of April, 1917.

vimy camps image jpgOP

This is just one of the maps from the report on Vimy Ridge Operations as held at the National Archives – A VR REF TITLEOP

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Here are the GPS Coordinates for the 40 camps above

Camp Lat Long
1 50.43343 2.643666
2 50.42801 2.634805
3 50.41249 2.675593
4 50.40447 2.651769
5 50.40343 2.64357
6 50.39982 2.645135
7 50.39834 2.63905
8 50.39604 2.642083
9 50.39577 2.65255
10 50.39374 2.655986
11 50.39887 2.675042
12 50.39748 2.697623
13 50.39116 2.669079
14 50.39249 2.665656
15 50.39384 2.662777
16 50.38747 2.660455
17 50.39173 2.655481
18 50.38882 2.640321
19 50.39606 2.614367
20 50.37205 2.678552
21 50.37245 2.664823
22 50.36981 2.656179
23 50.3677 2.654454
24 50.37073 2.648281
25 50.37638 2.637438
26 50.37496 2.634884
27 50.38027 2.618886
28 50.37898 2.619862
29 50.36371 2.68347
30 50.36093 2.682844
31 50.35773 2.689292
32 50.35573 2.688652
33 50.35484 2.681332
34 50.35757 2.678562
35 50.35879 2.673104
36 50.36057 2.676194
37 50.34259 2.685374
38 50.34008 2.686102
39 50.34055 2.676719
40 50.33997 2.672518